Around the World

Sunday, March 11, 2007

The American Way of Life

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Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey there Mattias!

MORE travel?! I am so envious. Enjoy yourself, but don't drink the beer. I hear it's awful in North America :)

4:10 AM  
Blogger Pinar Matthias said...

G´day G´day Cameron,

how is it going? Great to here from you. Pinar and me this time went to the north side of America to explore their way of living. It´s quite cool here, literally I mean. And of course we do it again by taking electives as we need to for a whole year in our final year. Where are you now? Already working as an Intern? I see you are still quite active on your blog. Maybe you should become a journalist?

8:59 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm back in Australia now :(
Currently I'm at Westmead doing psychiatry, but I'm not yet an intern. This is my final year, thank god!

Hmmm... journalism, huh? Maybe I could be a medical journalist. Interesting idea...

12:29 AM  
Blogger Pinar Matthias said...

Hey there,
why back in Australia? Where had you gone to?
Do you know already what you wanna specialize in? I´m thinking about becoming a Urologist. It still could change though. Let´s see. I still have a few months left...

8:29 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I was in Shanghai studying neurology for two months over summer break (which would be winter for you Northerners). Lot's of photos on my blog if you want to see.

Urology huh? Not my personal favourite choice, but if you like it, good for you :)

I'm really enjoying psychiatry, so I'm thinking I might like to become a psychiatrist and specialise in drugs and alcohol - addiction medicine. But as you say, I still have a few months left...

11:49 PM  

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